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Sunflower Daycare
Early Childhood Learning Center

How are we different from other daycare centers?

  • We are the ONLY bilingual center in the southern suburbs of Twin Cities.

  • We are not just a daycare; we have an official preschool program for kids starting at 3 years old

  • Montessori inspired

  • No frozen foods! Fresh organic food cooked daily by our chef

  • Onsite owner / director Irina is a licensed ESL/ELL K-12 school teacher

  • The owner / director Irina knows all Kindergarten standards and is focused on Kindergarten Readiness.

      Our Core Values are bilingual learning, safety, fun!

We are greatly inspired by the Montessori teaching philosophy and have created Montessori based activities where each child has freedom to choose any activity they want, until that activity is mastered. In our center we balance our activities by allowing children choose an activity and also by participating in changing group activities that include several steps. We at Sunflower find group activities very important as they encourage socialization, patience, kindness and conflict resolution skills development. Children learn a lot by observing and listening to each other in a group.

Русскоязычный детский садик и ясли "Подсолнух" в городе Бернсвилл (Миннеаполис, города-близнецы), штат Миннесота.

російськомовний дитячий садок та ясла у місті Бурнсвілль (Мiннеаполiс, мiста-близнюки), штату Міннесота.

Рускамоўны дзіцячы садок i яслі "Сланечнік" у горадзе Бернсвіл, Мінесота.

"There is strong research and evidence which supports why Preschool is considered the most important time of a child's development.  Preschool supports the critical domains of development including language, communication, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, and cognitive development.  Equally important, Preschool is the development of self-regulation, which is the most important skill to help children learn how to do school, not just what to do in school which allows more success in school at any age."



Mrs. Melanie Jiskra

Director/ K-8 Principal

Aspen Academy in Savage, MN

Russian Immersion Daycare Center
Russian Immersion Daycare Center
Russian Immersion Daycare Center
Russian Immersion Daycare Center
Russian Immersion Daycare Center
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